International Panorama competition

The Jury: Giuseppe Piccioni (president), Irene Gianeselli, Kristina Kudelova, Cristiana Paternò, Pierfrancesco Diliberto-Pif, has awarded

Bif&st 2022 International Award Best Film Director

Clio Barnard


The insight of the director touches on the story of an encounter: Ali and Ava belong to an imperfect and fragmented, contemporary world and offer the viewer the possibility of believing in a restoration of life.

Bif&st 2022 International Award Best Actress

Irene Virgüez

LA HIJA (THE DAUGHTER) by Manuel Martin Cuenca

The actress experiences a character change, demonstrating maturity as well as the ability to handle emotions and inner processes with a performance suspended between the ambiguity and clarity of a difficult adolescence.


Bif&st 2022 International Award Best Actor

Enzo Vogrincic

9 by Martín Barrenechea and Nicolás Branca


The actor portrays the millimetric movement towards the self-definition of a teenage footballer capable of coming out from the shadow of his manager father. The performance is developed step by step avoiding stereotypical intentions and clichés of youthful rebellion.


Special Mention

Carolina Sala

actress in VETRO (CRYSTAL GIRL) by Domenico Croce

For her surprising ability of holding the scene alone with intensity and freshness, thus revealing the encouraging signs of a bright future.

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