The Federico Fellini Platinum Award for Cinematic Excellence is awarded to one of the most important and active protagonists in the Italian film industry

LUIGI LONIGRO Director of 01 Distribution.

What are the prerogatives and talents of an excellent film distributor? They are several and varied. They encompass: intelligence and foresight, intuition and the ability to grasp the changes and shifts in viewer expectations, a taste for calculated risks when gambling on the development of new and unknown talent as well as the protection of both so-called difficult films as well as “safe” films. In addition, there is flexibility in dialoguing with the entire industry and firmness in making choices. And last but not least, cordiality and wise agility. Luigi Lonigro has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate all these qualities. The cinema market is a sea full of obstacles and when at the helm of a distribution company, that this year celebrates 20 years of life and success, it takes strong nerves, especially when one seeks to and succeeds in having a profound effect on the overall balance of a market, hence achieving a significant presence of Italian titles during each season. And it is not just a matter of percentages and numbers, but of the cultural importance of our cinema. Results are never obtained on their own. A fruitful and integrated relationship with Rai Cinema, the dedication of a close-knit and passionate group and the shared experience of a team are all fundamental. The Federico Fellini Award is therefore awarded to Luigi Lonigro who, together with all the members of 01 Distribution and Rai Cinema, is working day after day towards the strengthening of Italian cinema by thinking about the recent past, being attentive to the present and imagining the future to come.

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