Los Reyes del mundo (The Kings of the World)
- Laura Mora
- Braihan Acevedo, Carlos Andrés Castañeda, Cristian Campaña, Cristian David, Davison Florez
- 2022
- Colombia, Francia, Norvegia, Lussemburgo, Messico
- v.o. sp. sott. ing. e it.
- 110'
- Ciudad Lunar
- Laura Mora, Maria Camila Arias
- Leonardo Heiblum, Alexis Ruiz
- Sebastian Hernandez, Gustavo Vasco
- David Gallego
- Ana María Acosta
- https://www.filmfactoryentertainment.com/films/the-kings-of-the-world/
Rá, Culebro, Sere, Winny and Nano, five street kids from Medellin, five kings without a kingdom, with no law and no family, looking for The Promised Land. The five will embark on a trip to claim a piece of land that Rá inherited after a long process of land restitution. The Kings of the world is a subversive tale about a savage and lovely clan that transits between reality and delirium.
Select a cinema
- Teatro Petruzzelli